단기 선교 2024

가서 제자 삼으라!
Go Make Disciples!

단기 선교 프로그램은 선교 훈련과 선교 파송을 통하여 범 교회적으로 열방에 복음을 전하는 선교 사역에 동참하며 선교사적 삶에 대한 도전을 갖도록 하는데 목적이 있습니다.

The short-term mission program aims to participate in missionary work spreading the gospel to all nations through training and mission trip, and to challenge the participants to live out a missional life.

단기 선교 준비때 아래 사항을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.

Short-Term Mission Preparation Guidelines Below

1. 단기 선교 팀 구성 요건 - STM Team Formation Requirements

We recommend a minimum of 5 people or more, and 12 people or less because movement and agility are required due to the corona situation.

The team can be formed by those who want to participate in a short-term mission

Team composition must be formed at least two months in advance and must be approved in advance by Missions Committee.

You must comply with the existing short-term missionary guidelines, and please observe the special precautions due to the corona virus.

2. 단기 선교 지역 선정 - STM Field Selection

If outside the country, the U.S. Department of State permits travel to level 1 and 2 only

(State Government Travel Advisories) 

Most of the domestic areas are short-term mission areas. However, if there is a special requirement in the local government, it is prepared after considering the local circumstances.

3. 개인 준비와 책임 - Personal preparation and responsibility

CDC recommendations must be followed (CDC Travel).

Vaccination must be completed.

Reservations and tests required for PCR test requirements must be made before departure, after arrival and whenever necessary.

You must be able to isolate if necessary after returning home (you must be able to stay away from contact with family, work, school, and church members for a while).

You must be able to take responsibility for any financial burden that arises from the cancellation or rescheduling of your trip for various reasons.

If the mission field is overseas, you must obtain a travelable visa.

There must be no health problems with the necessary vaccinations in the mission field.

You must bear the expenses necessary for a missionary trip or necessary ministry.

You should use your personal time for mission trips and also for itineraries that change as needed.

You must have health insurance that covers the period of your mission trip.

You must complete the short-term mission preparation training course.

단기 선교팀 리스트 

Short-Term Mission Team List

2023 단기 선교팀

단기 선교부 Mission.STM@kcpc.org